A field experiment was conducted at the Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur during Kharif season 2015 and 2016 to adjudge the efficacy of different herbicide and herbicide mixtures against weeds in soybean. Monocot weeds were predominant (55.15%) in the experimental field compared with dicot weeds (44.85%). However, Echinochloa colona (41.56%) and Trianthema portulacastrum (33.16%) were predominant in soybean but, other weeds (Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, Commelina benghalensis, Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima, Corchorus spp.) were also present at 60 DAS. Among different weed control treatments, post-emergence and tank mix combination of propaquizafop + imazethapyr (75+75 g ha-1) and imazethapyr + quizalofop-ethyl (75+60 g ha-1) at 21 DAS were most effective in respect of reducing weed density, weed biomass, nutrient removal by weed and promote yield attributes and yield and quality of soybean as compared to rest of weed control treatment.