The increasing demand for various creative food industries requires cassava raw material supply which has quality and quantity. This research purpose is to identify land suitability, determining the factors, and the strategy of land management for Jarak Towo production in Jatiyoso District. This research using survey method with the land unit based on altitude as observation design which divided into six, namely 400 masl, 600 masl, 800 masl, 1000 masl, 1200 masl, and 1400 masl, and the sampling point is determined by purposive sampling which each land unit has four repetitions and obtain 24 sample points. The land suitability class assessment was carried out by matching the observation data with cassava-modified growth requirements for the Jarak Towo variety. The results in the area were classified into two classes, namely marginally suitable and not suitable. The land suitability determinant factors were temperature, organic carbon, Total-N, and slope. Land units 3 and 4 are land units which land suitability class can increase if these two locations are used as places for planting cassava var. Jarak Towo with the direction of land management strategies that have been given.