“…2 SDC Platinum reports the standard industry classification (SIC) codes of the acquiring and target, denoted here by, respectively, SIC α and SIC τ , which provides the basis to identify the horizontal and vertical linkages between the merging firms. 3 In particular, in case SIC α = SIC τ , a deal occurs between firms sharing the same industry-a characteristic 2 SDC Platinum data has been used elsewhere in Rossi and Volpin (2004), Di Giovanni (2005), Kessing, Konrad, andKotsogiannis (2007), Herger, Kotsogiannis, andMcCorriston (2008), Hijzen, Görg, and Manchin (2008), Coeurdacier, De Santis, and Aviat (2009), Erel, Liao, and Weisbach (2012, and Garfinkel and Hankins (2011) to study various aspects of CBAs.…”