The oat variety Ukraine is resistant to a large number of crown rust races, including race 263, a race which is pathogenic on almost all commercial oat varieties in North America. Random F3 lines from the crosses Fortune × Ukraine and Garry × Ukraine were tested for their reaction to races 213 and 263 of crown rust, and lines selected from these were tested for reactions to other races. The tests indicated that a single dominant gene in Ukraine governed resistance to races 213, 202, 202A, 209, 212A, 235, 236, 239, 239B, and 240, and that another dominant gene in Ukraine governed resistance to race 263. Tests with lines from one family of the Garry × Ukraine cross showed that the reactions of Garry to races 229, 235, and 240 are associated in inheritance, and tests with lines from a second family showed that the reactions to races 209, 236, and 239 are also associated in inheritance. The data also indicate that one or more genes in Garry govern resistance to these races, but whether or not the same gene or genes govern resistance to both groups of races was not determined. The Ukraine and Garry rust reactions were shown to be inherited independently of one another, with the gene for the higher type of resistance epistatic to the gene for the lower type in all cases.A number of F3 lines were isolated which combined the field resistance of Ukraine and Garry, respectively, to crown rust, including race 263, with the field resistance to stem rust of Garry. These lines may prove very useful in a plant breeding program.