“…Compared with children of Danish-born women, increased stillbirth and infant mortality was found among children of Turkish, Pakistani and Somali born mothers but no statistically significant differences among children of Lebanese and former Yugoslavian mothers (Table 4) [38,39]. * Based on the classification of an immigrant and a descendant defined by Statistics Denmark 2014 (see Table 2) ** The classification of Danish and non-Western immigrants followed that of Statistics Denmark (Statistics Denmark 2013) Adjusted for: a sex, b age, c family income, d mother's level of education, e cohabitation status, f body mass index (BMI), g alcoholic intake, physical activity, believing that you can take action on your own health, difficult to talk to parents or friends, bullying, experienced violence against oneself or the mother, academic performance and psychological symptoms, h smoking, i job senority, workplace, j weighted on age and sex J Immigrant Minority Health Table 4 Overview of included studies on the topic of mortality (N = 11)…”