Our world is increasingly interconnected economically, environmentally, politically, technologically, and socially. In response, leaders have called for more global education in our K-12 schools. Current global readiness frameworks put forward by the US Department of Education, Partnership for 21 st Century Skills, and others are widely used; however, they are not empirically grounded and tested. This study took steps towards an empirically validated construct of teaching for global readiness. A sequential exploratory mixed methods design (QUAL quan) was utilized to operationalize and validate the construct teaching for global readiness. Mixed methods BIOGRAPHY Shea Kerkhoff earned her B.S. in English Education from Ball State University and M.Ed. in International Education Policy and Management from Vanderbilt University. She taught high school English for seven years, including Wake County Public Schools in North Carolina (NC) and District of Columbia Public Schools. Currently, she serves as 4 the World's Education Director and teaching assistant at North Carolina State University, where she pursued her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in Literacy. In these roles she has led two alternative spring break trips of NCSU students and faculty to Belize and Guatemala for service learning. Shea serves as the adviser to the student chapter of 4 the World at NCSU. In 2014 as a research assistant with North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Shea helped create the Global Ready School Rubric. Shea worked with the Global Education team to design the method, analyze the findings, and present the final document. As a graduate assistant at NCSU, Shea taught Reading Print and Digital Texts Across the Disciplines and was part of the Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning MOOC-Ed design team. In this role, she reviewed the literature on disciplinary literacy, designed the English language arts model project, and provided feedback to participants on the forums. Most recently, Shea served as coach to a cross-cultural collaboration team of American and Chinese teachers at the 2015 New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute. Passionate about her researchincluding adolescent literacy instruction, disciplinary literacy, global education, and gender equality-Shea is a lifelong learner who strives to instill a love of learning into her students. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Hiller A. Spires. You have taught me so much, from how to conduct research to how to eat squirrel fish. You have a unique gift for challenging people to do more than they thought possible and supporting them to accomplish their dreams. Thank you for always taking time to teach me. I would also like to thank my committee. Dr. Duarte Morais, your work has made my work possible, as well as the work of numerous others. Dr. Jessica Decuir-Gunby, you are a triple threatteacher, researcher, and leader. Dr. Ruie Pritchard, thank you for taking the time to close read my papers and give me such meaningf...