Fluctuation-induced particle fluxes (Γ˜ñ φ) in the edge of Alcator C-Mod [Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] are inferred from a fast-scanning probe using standard analysis techniques. The magnitude and profile shape of Γ˜ñ φ is clearly inconsistent with fluxes inferred from global particle and power balance. These differences are difficult to reconcile if Γ˜ñ φ is interpreted as a measure of the particle flux in the unperturbed plasma. However, if Γ˜ñ φ is reinterpreted as the particle flux which must 'fill-in' the presheath zone formed by the probe, these inconsistencies are eliminated. In this case, an effective diffusivity in the presheath zone (D ps) can be estimated from Γ˜ñ φ. D ps is found to be in the range of diffusivities inferred from global particle balance (D SOL), indirectly supporting the hypothesis. However, the profile of D ps and its dependency on discharge conditions are markedly different than D SOL , implying that D ps is also not simply related to transport in the unperturbed plasma.