This Ph.D. has marked a before and an after in my life. It has been four years of sacrifices, endless nights of working, tears and smiles that have also made me improve as a person. There is always some light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes we need somebody to show it to us. That is why I would like to dedicate this Doctoral Thesis to all the people that have supported me in one way or another on this journey.First I want to thank my supervisors, José Miguel and Antonio, for giving me the opportunity of completing this Ph.D. Thank you for encouraging my research and for all the time you have always been willing to spend on me when I have needed it. I greatly appreciate your priceless patience with me, your ideas, your guidance and your support, especially at those tough times in the course of the Ph.D. I have been very lucky to have you as supervisors. Furthermore, I would like to thank my advisor during my internships in Italy, Roberto, since over time I have come to regard you as one of my supervisors. Thank you for giving me the chance to work with such an excellent team and for always treating me as part of the group. I am very thankful for your time, your immeasurable patience, your contributions and your invaluable support. Your enthusiasm and motivation have made me grow, achieve my goals and acquire greater confidence as a researcher.