Figure 1: Comparsion of vowel allocations between the proposed MCCS-2 and MCCS-1 in the previous work [16].[ 13,14,15].Recently, a new Mandarin Chinese CS system (MCCS) was proposed for Mandarin Chinese [16], which is called MCCS-1 in the current paper. In this system, a key approach that all the compound finals starting with i [i], u [u], ü [y] are coded by semi-consonants [j], [w], [4] was proposed to reduce the number of vowels from 35 to 15. This is because the compound finals are coded by hand shapes instead of hand positions. Then each of remained 15 vowels is allocated to one specific hand position, without using any hand slides 1 to code diphthongs or compound finals. This system satisfies two main criteria [17] that: 1) hand and lips coding should be complementary (i.e., the phonemes which have similar lip shape should be distinguished by different hand shapes or hand positions); 2) cuers should spend as less as possible energy to code.To the best of our knowledge, there are no research works concerning the CS system optimization based on the cuer's hand kinematics analysis. However, some works are dedicated to the kinematics and kinetics of hand or arm movements in other related domains. For example, it was studied the hand movement towards a target in [18,19,20], and the kinematic features of the arm movements were studied in [21,22,23]. Particularly, in [24], Grujic and Bonkovic described measurement and analysis of human hand kinematics, and [25] analyzed kinematic parameters for handwriting. Moreover, Nelson [26] described in detail physical principles for economics of skilled movements, in which the jaw movements during speech were analyzed. Inspired by these studies, we adopted three fundamental kinematic parameters, i.e. time duration, motion trajectory length, tangential speed to the study of the CS cuer's hand movement.In order to demonstrate that MCCS-1 system which does not use hand slides, possess advantages over systems in which 1 Hand moves from one position to another.