Using cognitive ethnography as a guiding framework, we investigated US and Japanese fourth-grade teachers' domain knowledge of key fraction representations in individual interviews. The framework focused on revealing cultural trends in participants' organization of knowledge and their interpretations of that organization. Our analyses of the interviews, which included a representation sorting task, indicated three major differences that defined US and Japanese teachers' approaches to rational number representation: (1) Japanese teachers interpreted all rational number representations as conveying primarily mathematical information, whereas US teachers interpreted only some representations as conveying primarily mathematical information;(2) the US teachers focused more intently on part-whole relations than Japanese in their interpretations; and (3) Japanese teachers more easily linked rational number representations to more advanced upcoming content in the curriculum. A review of US textbooks used by the teachers reflected their consistency with US teachers' interpretations of the representations. These findings imply that strong cultural differences underlay the approaches that teachers in both nations take to rational number representation and that these differences may help explain established crossnational differences in student reasoning.It has been demonstrated that US teachers are less successful than their Asian counterparts in computing correct values as well as providing indepth explanations when given tasks that involve rational number relations (Ma, 1999). A logical extension of Ma's work is to examine the possibility that differences between US and Asian teachers may, in part, be due to the ways they conceive of the various meanings of rational number representations (e.g., part-whole and ratios). We believe that these differences are more accurately interpreted as representative of cultural approaches to rational numbers in the two nations than simply reflecting individual differences in teachers' cognitive capabilities. In this study we adopted a cognitive ethnography framework to study the knowledge that US and Japanese teachers access when working to organize representations for rational numbers.