We have searched for neutrons from the three-body photon-induced reaction 9 Be+ ␥ → ␣ + ␣ + n using bremsstrahlung produced by electrons from a 2-MV Van de Graaff on a gold target. The target was located within a block of beryllium surrounded by an array of 3 He proportional counters embedded in paraffin. Based on energy and intensity calibrations of the accelerator and detector using the 9 Be+ ␥ → 8 Be+ n reaction, an upper limit of 93 nb ͑4͒ was placed on the cross section for neutron production between the three-body and two-body thresholds. This value is substantially below a previous experimental result using photoexcitation by 142 Pr gamma rays and also below an earlier theoretical estimate. Bremsstrahlung spectra from the gold target were also measured in a NaI(Tl) detector at electron energies from 1.7 to 2.0 MeV and angles of 0°to 60°with respect to the beam axis. An analysis of photons above the 1665-keV two-body threshold shows that bremsstrahlung due to beta rays between 1665 keV and the 2160-keV end point of the 142 Pr beta-ray spectrum could account for the photoneutron yield in the three-body region that had previously been attributed to 142 Pr gamma rays.