Innovations in orthopaedic resident educational resources and evaluation tools are essential to ensuring appropriate training and ultimately the graduation of competent orthopaedic surgeons. In recent years, there have been several advancements in comprehensive educational platforms within orthopaedic surgery. Orthobullets PASS, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Clinical Classroom, and American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery Resident Orthopaedic Core Knowledge each have their own unique advantages in preparation for the Orthopaedic In-Training Examination and American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery board certification examinations. In addition, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Milestones 2.0 and the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Knowledge Skills Behavior program each provide objective assessment of resident core competencies. Understanding and using these new platforms will help orthopaedic residents, faculty, residency programs, and program leadership to best train and evaluate their residents.