“…[ 18 ] Public | 793,479 tests Only tests with a Ct value were included, meaning that negative results were less represented in the final database as negative samples do not usually have any reported Ct value | PerkinElmer, Alinity, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, USA, Allplex, Seegene, Argene, BioMerieux, BGI, CNR Paris, Cobas 6800, Roche, Cobas 8800, Roche, Daan Gene, Appolon Biotek, Rhone, France, Genefinder, Technique Charite, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA | E, N, N and O, targeted together, ORF1, S | Nasopharyngeal, lower respiratory tract, feces, saliva | Known for 9%: 0–4 days (reference), 4–7 days, 8–14 days, > 14 days | NR | The R t of the epidemic (measured via national hospital admission data and the EpiEstim method) | NR | ~ 1 week | The R t (based on hospitalization and screening data) on the date of sampling was not significantly associated with Ct values Using an ARIMA predictive model to estimate whether the Ct data improves short-term predictions of the disease epidemiology, 6–7 days appeared to be the most significant time lag for cross-correlation between Ct and R t (tested between 0 and 20 days) The mean absolute percentage error in predicting R t using the ARIMA model improved when including Ct quartiles and Ct skewness | Andriamandimby et al. [ 22 ] | Public | 5310 Ct cutoffs for positive results from different PCR assays: Charity Berlin: ≤ 38; Hong Kong: ≤ 40; Da An: ≤ 40; LightMix SarbeCoV/SarbeCoV TibMolBiol ≤ 38; TaqPath ≤ 37 for 2 of 3 targets; GeneXpert: ≤ 40) To control for extensive variation in qPCR test and target a TaqPath N-corrected Ct value was calculated with a Ct cutoff of ≤ 37 | Seven WHO recommended kits and corresponding protocols: Charity Berlin kit, Hong Kong University kit, Da An gene kit, Da An Gene Co. Ltd. Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou, China, LightMix SarbeCoV E-gene plus EAV control, TIB MolBiolBiolmo Berlin, Germany SarbeCoV TibMolBiol, TIB Biolmol, Berlin, Germany TaqPath COVID-19 Combo kit, Life Technologies Ltd, Paisley, UK GeneXpert, Cepheid, Sunnyvale CA, USA | E, N, Orf1a/b or S gene | Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal | NR | NR | Real-time estimates of COVID-19 prevalence taken from publicly reported incidence data and retrospective results from the National Influenza Centre across three administrative ... |