Abstract. Several studies in upwelling regions have suggested that mesoscale structures, such as eddies and filaments, contribute substantially to the long-range transport of the organic carbon from the nearshore region of production to the offshore region of remineralization. Yet this has not been demonstrated in a quantitative manner for the entire Canary Upwelling System (CanUS). Here, we fill this gap using the Regional Oceanic Modeling System (ROMS) coupled to a Nutrient, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, and Detritus (NPZD) ecosystem model. We run climatological simulations on an Atlantic telescopic grid with 5 an eddy-resolving resolution in the CanUS. Using both a Reynolds flux decomposition and structure-identification algorithms, we quantify and characterize the organic carbon fluxes driven by filaments and eddies within the upper 100 m and put them in relationship to the total offshore transport. Our analyses reveal that both coastal filaments and eddies enhance the offshore flux of organic carbon, but that their contribution is very different. Upwelling filaments, with their high speeds and high organic carbon concentrations, transport this carbon offshore in a very intense, but coastally-confined, manner, contributing nearly 10 80% to the total flux at 100 km offshore distance. The filament contribution tapers off quickly to near zero values at 1000 km distance, leading to a strong offshore flux divergence that is the main lateral source of organic carbon in the first 500 km offshore. Some of this divergence is also due to the filaments inducing a substantial vertical subduction of the organic carbon below 100 m. Owing to the temporal persistence and spatial recurrence of filaments, the filament transport largely constitutes a time-mean flux and only to a limited degree represents a turbulent flux. At distances beyond 500 km from the coast, eddies 15 dominate the mesoscale offshore transport. Although their contribution represents only 20 % of the total offshore flux and of its divergence, eddies, especially cyclones, transport organic carbon offshore to distances as great as 2000 km from the coast.The eddy transport largely represents a turbulent flux, but striations in this transport highlight the existence of typical formation spots and recurrent offshore propagation pathways. While they propagate slowly, eddies are an important organic carbon reservoir for the open waters, since they contain on average a third of the offshore organic carbon, two third of which is found 20 in cyclones. Our analysis confirms the importance of mesoscale processes for the offshore organic carbon transport and the fueling of the heterotrophic activity in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic, and highlights the need to consider the mesoscale flux in order to fully account for the three-dimensionality of the marine biological pump.