Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are covalently closed RNA circles without a 5 0 cap or 3 0 tail. Since the landmark discovery of ciRS-7/CDR1as functioning as a miR-7 sponge in 2013, circRNAs have become a hot topic in RNA research. CircRNAs have been found to play active roles in cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, and many other diseases. They can function as microRNA (miRNA) sponges, protein scaffolds, and even translation templates. However, as circRNA research expands, many divergent views have emerged. For example, are most circRNAs competent in serving as miRNA sponges? What kinds of circRNAs are most likely to sponge miRNAs? Apart from sponging miRNAs, what could the functions of most circRNAs be? What are the features of circRNAs that are translatable? Many researchers have claimed that circRNAs are abundant, stable, conserved, and specific molecules, which hold great potential in serving as biomarkers. However, circRNA abundance is variable and some circRNAs are abundant while others are not. In addition, their stability and conservation may vary under different circumstances. Furthermore, it is unclear whether circRNA biogenesis is more likely to be regulated by RNA binding proteins or transcription factors. All of these are open questions that remain to be answered by researchers in this field. Discussing and investigating these questions will advance the understanding of this class of novel molecules and may propel inspiring new ideas for future studies.