-Non-neutrally buoyant soft particles in vertical microflows are investigated. We find, soft particles lighter than the liquid migrate to off-center streamlines in a downward Poiseuille flow (buoyancy-force antiparallel to flow). In contrast, heavy soft particles migrate to the center of the downward (and vanishing) Poiseuille flow. A reversal of the flow direction causes in both cases a reversal of the migration direction, i. e. heavier (lighter) particles migrate away from (to) the center of a parabolic flow profile. Non-neutrally buoyant particles migrate also in a linear shear flow across the parallel streamlines: heavy (light) particles migrate along (antiparallel to) the local shear gradient. This surprising, flow-dependent migration is characterized by simulations and analytical calculations for small particle deformations, confirming our plausible explanation of the effect. This density dependent migration reversal may be useful for separating particles.Introduction. -Microfluidics is a rapidly evolving cross-disciplinary field, ranging from basic physics to a great variety of applications in life science and technology [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. The blooming subfield of the dynamics of neutrally buoyant soft particles in suspension and their crossstreamline migration (CSM) in rectilinear shear flows, plays a central role for cell and DNA sorting, blood flow, polymer processing and so on [6,[10][11][12][13]. In contrast, little is known about the dynamics of non-neutrally buoyant soft particles in rectilinear flows, but we show in this work for such particles a novel migration reversal.Segre and Silberberg reported in 1961 about CSM of neutrally buoyant rigid particles at finite Reynolds numbers in flows through pipes [14]. When particles and channels approach the micrometer scale, fluid inertia does not matter and particles follow the Stokesian dynamics. In this limit CSM occurs only for soft particles but in curvilinear [15][16][17] as well as in rectilinear flows [18][19][20], whereby in rectilinear flows, the flows fore-aft symmetry is broken, requiring intra-particle hydrodynamic interaction [18,19]. Such symmetry breaking occurs also near boundaries via wall-induced lift forces [20][21][22][23][24] or by space-dependent shear rates, so that dumbbells [18,19], droplets [25,26], vesicles and capsules [27][28][29] exhibit CSM even in unbounded flow. Such parity breaking mechanisms may be also accompanied by a viscosity contrast [30] or chirality [31]. Recently was found, that CSM takes place also for asymmetric soft particles in time-dependent linear