This is the last part of a series of three strongly related papers in which three equivalent structures are studied:-Internal categories in categories of monoids; defined in terms of pullbacks relative to a chosen class of spans-Crossed modules of monoids relative to this class of spans-Simplicial monoids of so-called Moore length 1 relative to this class of spans. The most important examples of monoids that are covered are small categories (treated as monoids in categories of spans) and bimonoids in symmetric monoidal categories (regarded as monoids in categories of comonoids). In this third part relative simplicial monoids are analyzed. Their Moore length is introduced and the equivalence is proven between relative simplicial monoids of Moore length 1, and relative categories of monoids in Part I. This equivalence is obtained in one direction by truncating a simplicial monoid at the first two degrees; and in the other direction by taking the simplicial nerve of a relative category. Keywords Simplicial monoid • Moore length • Internal category • Bimonoid access funding provided by ELKH Wigner Research Centre for Physics. The author's interest in the subject was triggered by the excellent workshop 'Modelling Topological Phases of Matter-TQFT, HQFT, premodular and higher categories, Yetter-Drinfeld and crossed modules in disguise' in Leeds UK, 5-8 July 2016. It is a pleasure to thank the organizers, Zoltán Kádár, João Faria Martins, Marcos Calçada and Paul Martin for the experience and a generous invitation.