Let G be a compact quantum group. We show that given a G-equivariant
$\textrm {C}^*$
-correspondence E, the Pimsner algebra
$\mathcal {O}_E$
can be naturally made into a G-
$\textrm {C}^*$
-algebra. We also provide sufficient conditions under which it is guaranteed that a G-action on the Pimsner algebra
$\mathcal {O}_E$
arises in this way, in a suitable precise sense. When G is of Kac type, a KMS state on the Pimsner algebra, arising from a quasi-free dynamics, is G-equivariant if and only if the tracial state obtained from restricting it to the coefficient algebra is G-equivariant, under a natural condition. We apply these results to the situation when the
$\textrm {C}^*$
-correspondence is obtained from a finite, directed graph and draw various conclusions on the quantum automorphism groups of such graphs, both in the sense of Banica and Bichon.