An experimental study was conducted in the Supersonic Low-Disturbance Tunnel to investigate naturally-occurring instabilities in a supersonic boundary layer on a 7 • halfangle cone. All tests were conducted with a nominal freestream Mach number of M∞ = 3.5, total temperature of T0 = 299.8 K, and unit Reynolds numbers of Re∞ × 10 −6 = 9. 89, 13.85, 21.77, and 25.73 m −1 . Instability measurements were acquired under noisy-flow and quiet-flow conditions. Measurements were made to document the freestream and the boundary-layer edge environment, to document the cone baseline flow, and to establish the stability characteristics of the transitioning flow. Pitot pressure and hot-wire boundarylayer measurements were obtained using a model-integrated traverse system. All hotwire results were single-point measurements and were acquired with a sensor calibrated to mass flux. For the noisy-flow conditions, excellent agreement for the growth rates and mode shapes was achieved between the measured results and linear stability theory (LST). The corresponding N factor at transition from LST is N ≈ 3.9. The stability measurements for the quiet-flow conditions were limited to the aft end of the cone. The most unstable first-mode instabilities as predicted by LST were successfully measured, but this unstable first mode was not the dominant instability measured in the boundary layer. Instead, the dominant instabilities were found to be the less-amplified, low-frequency disturbances predicted by linear stability theory, and these instabilities grew according to linear theory. These low-frequency unstable disturbances were initiated by freestream acoustic disturbances through a receptivity process that is believed to occur near the branch I locations of the cone. Under quiet-flow conditions, the boundary layer remained laminar up to the last measurement station for the largest Re∞, implying a transition N factor of N > 8.5.