Superconducting 2H -NbSe 2 single crystals show intrinsic low pinning values. Therefore, they are ideal materials with which to explore fundamental properties of vortices. (V , I ) characteristics are the experimental data we have used to investigate the dissipation mechanisms in a rectangular-shaped 2H -NbSe 2 single crystal. Particularly, we have studied dissipation behavior with magnetic fields applied in the plane of the crystal and parallel to the injected currents, i.e., in the force-free state where the vortex helical instability governs the vortex dynamics. In this regime, the data follow the elliptic critical state model and the voltage dissipation shows an exponential dependence, V ∝ e α(I −I C ) , I C being the critical current in the force-free configuration and α a linear temperature-dependent parameter. Moreover, this exponential dependence can be observed for in-plane applied magnetic fields up to 40°off the current direction, which implies that the vortex helical instability plays a role in dissipation even out of the force-free configuration. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.224510 Vortex physics is a long-standing topic which remains open in many scenarios. Vortices are objects which can be entangled, crossed, cut, and reconnected. The study of vortices as topological defects encompasses many fields, such as plasmas [1], fluids [2][3][4][5], superfluids [6][7][8][9], and superconductors [10][11][12][13][14][15]. Sometimes fundamental properties of superconducting vortices are blurred by the crucial role played by vortex pinning. To avoid this problem and capture basic vortex dynamics in superconductors, materials with very low pinning are required, for example, superconducting dichalcogenide single crystals [16]. These layered platelets present large crystal sizes; they are very stable and very easy to handle, too. They show very low Ginzburg number (Gi) ∼ 10 −6 ; that is, they have very low thermal fluctuations and very low critical current density (J C ) in comparison with the depairing current density (J 0 ), for instance J C /J 0 ∼ 10 −5 , thus showing very low pinning. These crystals are an ideal tool to explore fundamental superconducting properties. Some topics that have been studied include two-dimensional (2D) superconductivity, i.e., superconducting samples whose thickness is much lower than the Ginzburg-Landau coherence length [17] summary, single-crystal dichalcogenides have been ideal materials to study many superconducting topics.In this paper, we report on the vortex lattice dynamics in the force-free state in single-crystal dichalcogenide 2H -NbSe 2 . In this force-free state the magnetic field is applied in plane and parallel to the electrical current direction. Consequently, in theory, the Lorentz force on the vortex lattice is null. Therefore, from the theoretical point of view and in a pin-free situation the supercurrent can flow infinitely. In 1966, Josephson argued that the superconducting mixed state allows unstable states to be realized. He pointed out that, if the sample is ...