Use of saturation-dependent relatiue mobilities leads to linear flow; howeuer, experiment and theory show that, in the limit of very lurge uiscosity ratio, the flow is not linear but fractal. Generally, fractional flows and relatiue mobilities depend
M O Oh8 acts as a 2-D Koual factor
IntroductionComposition-dependent relative mobilities are used in all traditional modeling of flow in porous media, such as Buckley-Levcrett or Koval (Collins, 1961; Rhec et al., 1986). Their use predicts flow in which the saturation front advances linearly with time. However, it has been shown that the limit of infinite viscosity ratio ( M -+x, where the injected fluid has zero viscosity) is accurately described by diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA), a process that is known to form fractal objects with nonuniform densities (Vicsek, 1989; Witten and Sander, 1981;Meakin, 1983a). For fractal flow, the saturation front advances faster than linearly with time. Two questions naturally arise: ( I ) If the actual viscous fingering were fractal, what would be the effect on traditional simulation? and (2) Is the viscous fingering fractal for realistic, unstable viscosity ratios? As we will see, our modeling indicates that large-scale flows are not fractal, but that small-scale flows are fractal. Furthermore, this crossover from small-scale fractal flows to large-scale linear flows leads to definite predictions regarding the dependence of flow velocity upon viscosity ratio.First, what is a fractal? The classic signature of a fractal object is a non-Euclidean relationship between mass and size. If one has an ordinary solid disk, the mass is proportional to R2, but for a circular fractal object, the mass is proportional to R"{, with a noninteger fractal dimension, D,; for example, for DLA, Df = 1.7. Therefore, a fractal object is less dense than an ordinary object due to material voids inside the object. However, it should be emphasized that neither the mass density nor the compensating voids are uniformly distributed; indeed, the mass density decreases with R while the void density must increase with R. Formation of these fractals is an unstable, nonequilibrium process. A number of excellent reviews discuss a wide variety of these fractal growth phenomena, including material deposition, dielectric breakdown, and two-phase flow in porous media, the topic of this article (Vicsek, 1989;Mandelbrot, 1982; Feder, 1988).Second, what is viscous fingering? If the flow is "unstable"(viscosity ratio M > 11, the injected fluid fingers into the displaced fluid (Saffman and Taylor, 1958). This effect has been widely studied in "Hele-Shaw" cells, where a high viscosity fluid occupies the space between two flat glass plates, and a low-viscosity fluid is injected at the center. If the viscosity ratio is large enough, the viscous fingering patterns satistji a fractal relationship with fractal dimension D, = 1.70&0.05 (Daccord et al., 1986). If the space between the Hele-Shaw plates is filled with a bead pack, mimicking a porous medium, analysis of the fingeri...