NASA's InSight mission is the first lander to deploy a seismometer on a planetary body since more than 40 years. With a year of seismic data from Mars, new discoveries on Mars' tectonics and interior structure are just emerging. Aiming at the heart of the planet Unlike all previous Mars missions, which explored the geology, chemistry, and atmosphere of the red planet in great detail, the Interior exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) mission is focused on the interior structure and processes of Mars. It is high time to address these topics as our knowledge of the Martian interior-or, in fact, that of any other terrestrial planet-is poorer than our knowledge for the Earth was 100 years ago. While it is generally assumed that differentiation processes early in the formation of terrestrial planets lead to a subdivision into a brittle rocky crust, a silicate mantle, and an iron-rich core 1 , the finer details are widely uncertain for Mars. This lack of knowledge hampers our understanding of its geodynamic history, and the formation and evolution of terrestrial planets in general. The three experiments carried out by InSight, and specifically the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS), are about to change this. The study of seismic waves generated by earthquakes has been key to our understanding of the internal structure of the Earth and the Moon. For example, detection of signals reflected at the core-mantle boundary resulted in the determination of the Moon's core radius. The thickness of the lunar crust was determined using waves converted at the crust-mantle boundary. On Earth, the absence of direct waves from distances beyond 10,000 km, a so-called shadow zone, led to the discovery of Earth's liquid outer core. Terrestrial seismology nowadays studies 3D fine structure, using 1000 s of seismometers, but on Mars, which was predicted to be seismically active 2 , we still need to answer more basic questions. Current estimates for the average crustal thickness of Mars range from 30 to >100 km 3,4. Accurate estimates of crustal thickness are needed to provide an important constraint on the mantle evolution through time along with the formation of the crust. Crustal thickness directly relates to the mantle's cooling rate, with implications for the style of convection during Mars' early history (i.e., global mantle overturn, stagnant lid convection, or plate tectonics). Gravity and topography constrain relative crustal thickness variations well, but need at least one tie point to obtain absolute values 3. Seismology is the only means for this direct measurement. Mars' mantle may retain compositional layering from its early evolution, which has been destroyed on Earth by vigorous convection. As Mars lacks plate tectonics, but is of sufficient size to have undergone most of the same differentiation processes as early Earth, its mantle structure