Keeping the real estate cadastre’s database up to date is a very important process. The scope of the modernization works includes, among other things, fieldwork and office (chamber) work carried out by surveyors to update information about land and buildings. Therefore, modernization may result in changes to plot areas; changes to the marking of plots and land use (and, consequently, a change in the property tax); and the disclosure or deletion of buildings and premises, as well as changes to their technical data. The research, based on a case study (rural municipality Serniki, Poland), and supported by a literature review, remote sensing, and digital photogrammetry, clearly showed the importance of initiating the cadastre modernization procedure and obtaining funds for this purpose, which will be beneficial for both parties. Landowners will gain by bringing the current image of their real estate closer to the actual state (e.g., by paying taxes for the real utility of the land), while administrative units will become the beneficiaries of higher tax revenues (up to over 500%). Thus, the analysis carried out on the case study shows positive effects for both parties, and justifies the financial outlay incurred by the administrative units for this process. Moreover, the analysis revealed that, due to the possibility of obtaining funding from other sources, the cost to the public administration may be marginal. Thus, the cadastre modernization procedure should be integrated into regional and national policies.