Surface wave dispersion data is used to infer the shear wave velocity structure variation in the north‐east Himalaya and Indo‐Burmese arc regions. We have used 25 earthquakes data from four groups with a magnitude range of 5.0–6.7, epicentral distance range 368–800 km, and focal depth less than 50 km. Ray paths from the earthquake location to the seismic station are transversely passing different geotectonic units of the Himalayas, Indo‐Gangetic plains, and Indo‐Burma collision zones. The weighted average dispersion curve and the path averaged shear wave velocity models are computed for the four groups located at different azimuths around Shillong seismic station. Non‐linear least‐square inversion is performed to obtain the shear wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle from joint inversion of Rayleigh and Love waves group velocities. Subsequently, Rayleigh and Love waves group velocities are inverted separately to obtain vertical and horizontal components of S‐wave velocity. Next, using these components anisotropy coefficient values at different depths for each path are also estimated. A high variation of dispersion curves and the shear wave velocity models from one group to another indicates that the region is geotectonically very complex. An approximately 80 km‐thick zone beneath the study region has shear wave velocity as low as 1.7 km/s in the uppermost crust in the southern part and ~4.7 km in the uppermost mantle beneath the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS). Inferred velocity is also lower than that of PREM and AK135 global models with a much thicker crust beneath the study region. Radial anisotropy varies even within the northern part from the Indo‐Eurasian collision zone to EHS and northern to southern Indo‐Burma ranges. Anisotropy is comparatively stronger in the deeper part below ~40 km for the three paths, except for the EHS, where the result is contrary.