KCC2, best known as the neuron-specific chloride-extruder that sets the strength and polarity of GABAergic currents during neuronal maturation, is a multifunctional molecule that can regulate cytoskeletal dynamics via its C-terminal domain (CTD). We describe the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the multiple functions of KCC2 and its splice variants, ranging from developmental apoptosis and the control of early network events to the formation and plasticity of cortical dendritic spines. The versatility of KCC2 actions at the cellular and subcellular levels is also evident in mature neurons during plasticity, disease, and aging. Thus, KCC2 has emerged as one of the most important molecules that shape the overall neuronal phenotype.
KCC2 in the Fundamental Machinery Underlying Neuronal Development, Signaling, and StructureFast synaptic transmission relies on ion fluxes through ligand-gated ion channels. Although the default state of a cell is to have a high intracellular chloride concentration ([Cl − ] i ), mature neurons in the CNS have evolved a unique ability to maintain a low [Cl − ] i , which is needed for the generation of hyperpolarizing Cl − currents across GABA A and glycine receptors (GABA A Rs and GlyRs) [1]. This specialization comes at a high energy cost [2], and is brought about by upregulation of the neuron-specific K-Cl cotransporter KCC2 during neuronal maturation [1,3,4]. KCC2 belongs to the evolutionarily ancient family of SLC12 cation/chloride cotransporters (CCCs) (Box 1; for KCCs and NKCCs, see Glossary) that have their roots in a single gene in Archaea, from which numerous duplication events in both archaeans and eukaryotes have led to the divergence and neofunctionalization of the paralogous CCC subfamilies [5]. Possibly because of a primordial role in cellular volume regulation, CCCs have evolved to communicate with the actin cytoskeleton. Indeed, KCC2 has emerged as an important player in controlling actin dynamics during neuronal development and plasticity [6][7][8][9].The functional upregulation of KCC2-mediated K-Cl cotransport in hippocampal and neocortical neurons underlies the hyperpolarizing shift in GABAergic currents which takes place postnatally in rats and mice [3], but it has become clear that KCC2 is expressed at low but functionally significant levels pre-and perinatally. KCC2 acts in an ion transport-independent manner as an antiapoptotic factor in projection neurons in the prenatal mouse neocortex [10]; in the perinatal mouse and rat hippocampus transport-functional KCC2 decreases the depolarizing driving force of GABA A R-mediated currents (DF GABA ), thereby influencing spontaneous network events at their developmental onset [11].In this review we highlight the developmental paths from KCC2 protein expression to its multiple functions, and discuss the wide variety of post-translational mechanisms which control these phenomena. The versatility of KCC2 regulation at the cellular and subcellular levels is also evident in mature neurons during plasticity, disease,...