Mobile radio frequency identification (RFID) has been extensively applied in a wide range of fields. In supply chain management, RFID is used to more efficiently manage the ownership transfer of cargo. The transfer of a group of tags belonging to multiple owners is often required at the front end of a supply chain. This study, therefore, proposes a secure, high-performance threshold multi-owner partial tag ownership transfer protocol that supports a mobile RFID environment and features the capabilities and security required for supporting existing ownership transfer environments (e.g., application for different authorities, designation of the transfer target, and ownership transfer of a group of tags). Moreover, the proposed protocol can resist against most of the known attacks on RFID. some, or all tags, (3) provides two-way authentication between a tag, reader, and a back-end server, (4) ensures that tag ownership is only transferred to the designated owners, (5) is secure and immune to replay attacks, eavesdropping, message modification attacks, and tracking attacks (i.e., protects owner privacy) and provides forward and backward secrecy. Lastly, it (6) features high performance that is not related to the reader participating in the transfer or the number of tags and does not increase information and calculation load considerably when the number of owners and tags increases.This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the environmental assumptions of the proposed ownership transfer protocol and the relationships among the tag, reader, and the back-end server. Section 3 provides a detailed description of the proposed protocol. Section 4 compares and analyzes the security of the proposed method and other RFID ownership transfer methods. Section 5 presents the calculation performance of the proposed protocol for analysis and a comparison with those introduced in relevant studies, and, lastly, Section 6 concludes this study.
Multi-Owner Multi-Tag Ownership Transfer MethodThis study proposes a secure multi-owner multi-tag ownership transfer method for a mobile RFID network environment. Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of the proposed system. The mobile device of a member of the old owner group sends a signal for ownership transfer, reads the partial tags in the group to be transferred, and sends the transfer message collectively generated by these tags to a back-end server. The server then notifies the group of old owners. If the partial signature of n old owners who consent to partial tag ownership transfer exceeds the threshold value, then the group of old owners and the group of new owners jointly conduct ownership transfer.