In this work we review the current knowledge on the prehistory, origins, and evolution of spliceosomal introns. First, we briefly outline the major features of the different types of introns, with particular emphasis on the nonspliceosomal self-splicing group II introns, which are widely thought to be the ancestors of spliceosomal introns. Next, we discuss the main scenarios proposed for the origin and proliferation of spliceosomal introns, an event intimately linked to eukaryogenesis. We then summarize the evidence that suggests that the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) had remarkably high intron densities and many associated characteristics resembling modern intron-rich genomes. From this intronrich LECA, the different eukaryotic lineages have taken very distinct evolutionary paths leading to profoundly diverged modern genome structures. Finally, we discuss the origins of alternative splicing and the qualitative differences in alternative splicing forms and functions across lineages.
SURPRISES AND MYSTERIES OF INTRONS AND INTRON EVOLUTIONW ith mid-20th century breakthroughs, molecular cell biology finally seemed to obey a relatively simple logic. Genetic information was encoded in DNA genes (Avery et al. 1944;Watson and Crick 1953), which were transcribed into RNA and subsequently translated into functional proteins (Crick 1958). However, a most unexpected finding "interrupted" this logic. The coding information of DNA genes was sometimes broken into pieces separated by sequences whose sole apparent purpose was to generate an extra RNA sequence that then had to be removed to generate intact proteincoding messenger RNAs. The initial findings in viruses (Berget et al. 1977;Chow et al. 1977) were soon extended to many cellular genes. With the advent of large-scale sequencing projects, it became clear that one kind of intron (the spliceosomal introns), as well as the cellular machinery that removes them (the spliceosome), are ubiquitous in eukaryotic genomes. For example, the average human transcript contains 9 introns, totaling several hundred thousand introns across the genome and comprising a quarter of the DNA content of each cell (Lander et al. 2001;Venter et al. 2001). Moreover, functions for some introns began to