SummaryThe 31PI 'HI-NMR characteristics of the complexes [HgX2 (1) The ' J ( 199Hg, 31P) values increase in the order CN < I < SCN < Br < C1< NO3. The two molecular structures show a distorted tetrahedral geometry about mercury. Pertinent bond lengths and bond angles from the X-ray analysis are as follows:Hg-P=2.485(7) A and 2.509(8) A, Hg-C1=2.525(8) A and 2.505(10) A, P-Hg-P = 125.6 (3)", Cl-Hg-Cl= 97.0(3)' for [HgC12(1)] and Hg-P= 2.491 (10) A and 2.500 (1 1) A, Hg-I = 2.858 ( 5 ) A and 2.832 (3) A, P-Hg-P = 146.0(4)", I-Hg-I = 116.9(1)' for [Hg12(1)]. The equation, derived previously, relating 1J('99Hg, 31P) and the angles P-Hg-P and X-Hg-X is shown to be valid for 1.1. Introduction. -There are a number of reports concerned with the 31P-NMR characteristics of trigonal and tetrahedral phosphine complexes of Hg (11) [ 1-91. We have recently reported 31P-NMR and X-ray structural data for complexes of the type [HgX2 (PPh3)2] [lo] and find that the values 1J('99Hg, 31P) and the molecular structures for these species are markedly dependent on the anion X. An increase in the value 'J(*99Hg, 31P) is associated with an increase in the P-Hg-P bond angle and Hg-X bond length and/or a decrease in the Hg-P bond length and X-Hg-X angle. The molecular geometry approaches a tetrahedron when the anion X is a strong donor, such as I-or CN-, and distorts significantly when the anion is weakly coordinated, e.g. the P-Hg-P angle for [Hg (N03)2(PPh3)2] is 132", the 0-Hg-0 angle is 70". We have utilized the structural data as a basis for extended Hiickel calculations [lo] and found that the one-bond Hg, P-coupling is more sensitive to the P-Hg-P angle than the Hg-P distance. Given this observation we