“…Although the octahedral nature of germanium in germanium porphyrins has been known for some time on the basis of NMR studies,1-2 recently there has been a surge of general interest in the molecular and electronic structures of group 4 metalloporphyrins. Thus, independent x-ray crystallographic structure determinations have been reported for dichloroa,iS,7,5-tetraphenylporphinatotin(IV), (Cl)2Sn(TPP),3 and dichloro-1,2,...,8-octaethylporphinatotin(IV), (Cl)2Sn(OEP),4 and extended Huckel calculations have been carried out with Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb porphyrin structures.5 '6 In the case of the latter, the influence of the geometry of the molecule on the electronic spectrum of the macrocycle was the point of principal interest.…”