chemical methods for calculating paramagnetic NMR observables
are becoming increasingly accessible and are being included in the
inorganic chemistry practice. Here, we test the performance of these
methods in the prediction of proton hyperfine shifts of two archetypical
high-spin pentacoordinate nickel(II) complexes (NiSAL-MeDPT and NiSAL-HDPT),
which, for a variety of reasons, turned out to be perfectly suited
to challenge the predictions to the finest level of detail. For NiSAL-MeDPT,
new NMR experiments yield an assignment that perfectly matches the
calculations. The slightly different hyperfine shifts from the two
“halves” of the molecules related by a pseudo-C
2 axis, which are experimentally divided into
two well-defined spin systems, are also straightforwardly distinguished
by the calculations. In the case of NiSAL-HDPT, for which no X-ray
structure is available, the quality of the calculations allowed us
to refine its structure using as a starting template the structure