The crystal structure of tetrameric phosphonitrilic isothiocyanate, N4P4(NCS),, has been determined by three-dimensional X-ray studies from data collected on a Picker FACS-I automated diffractometer. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P i with a = 8.098(8), b = 8.018(7), c = 9.937(10) A, a = 104.08(7), = 99.42(7), p = 95.42(7)", and one molecule per unit cell. The structure was solved from 1766 independent non-zero reflections and refined to a conventional R factor of 0.063. Nitrogen atoms of two isothiocyanate groups are bonded to each phosphorus atom of the eight-membered phosphorus-nitrogen ring. The ring has a chair configuration. The average dimensions of the structure are P-Nri,, = 1.543 + 0.017, P-NisOlhiOC yana,c = 1.644+0.011, N-C=1.168&0.008, C-S=1.535+0.009 A, P R r i n g P = 140.2+ 1.8", N,~,,~N,~,, = 120.2k 1.3", N~, ,~N~, , = 100.1 + 1.0", PRC= 151.1 k9.O0,and N~s = 176.6+ 1.1".La structure cristalline du tetramere de l'isothiocyanate phosphonitrilique, N4P4(NCS),, a kt6 determinee par diffraction de rayons-X a partir de donnees tridimensionnelles obtenues sur un diffractometre automatique Picker FACS-I.La maille trichinique de ce compose est monomoleculaire de dimensions: a = 8.098(8), b = 8.018 (7), c = 9.937(10) A, a = 104.08 (7), p = 99.42(7) et y = 95.42(7)", et appartient au groupe spatial P i .La structure a Cte dtterminke a partir de 1766 reflexions uniques observees et affinee jusqu'a une valeur de 0.063 du facteur d'accord R.A chaque atome de phosphore d u cycle a 8 atomes N4P4 sont liee deux groupes isothiocyanate par I'intermediaire de leur atome d'azote. Le cycle a la configuration chaise. Les dimensions moyennes de la structure sont: P-N(cycle) = 1.543(17), P-N(isothiocyanate) = 1.644(1 I), N-C = 1.168(8), C-S = 1.535(9) A, ~PN(cyc1e)P = 140.2(18)", L N(cycle)PN(cycle) = 120.2(13)", LN(iso)PN(iso) = 100.1 (lo)", L P N C = 151.1 (90)" et LNCS = 176.6(11)".