. Can. J. Chem. 60,2957Chem. 60, (1982. There are two crystalline modifications of (acetylacetonato)diphenylboron: triclinic, a = 8.3557(8), b = 9.3519(8), c = 9.6103 (9) A, a = 96.094(5), P = 94.904(6), y = 93.489(6)", Z = 2, space group PT, and monoclinic, a = 11.6329(11), b = 17.1628(8), c = 7.6542(6) A, P = 97.669(4)", Z = 4, space group P2, lc. Crystals of (tropolonato)diphenylboron are monoclinic, a = 12.1596(5), b = 10.2614(4), c = 12.4883(6) A, P = 100.965(2)",Z = 4, spacegroup P2,lc. All threestructures were solvedby direct methodsandwere refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to R values of 0.046,0.041, and 0.035 for 2465, 2124, and 1722 reflections with 12 3o(I) respectively. Each structure consists of discrete molecules containing tetrahedrally coordinated boron atoms, both the acetylacetonato and tropolonato moieties being delocalized and symmetric. The chelate rings in both forms of (acety1acetonato)-diphenylboron have distorted B-envelope conformations while the chelate ring in (tropo1onato)diphenylboron is essentially planar.The mean l3-0 and B-C distances (corrected for libration) are: 1.543(4) and 1.605(4) A in triclinic, 1.533(3) and 1.607(4) A in monoclinic (acetylacetonato)diphenylboron, and 1.555(11) and 1.605(6) A in (tropolonato)diphenyIboron. Chem. 60, 2957Chem. 60, (1982. L'(acCty1acCtonato)diphenylbore se prCsente sous deux formes cristallines: (a) une forme triclinique appartenant au groupe Chaque structure comprend des molCcules discretes contenant des atomes de bore coordonnts de f a~o n tetraedrique, les deux unites acetylacCtonato et tropolonato Ctant symttriques et dClocalistes. Les cycles du chelate dans les deux formes d'(acttylacttonato) diphtnylbore ont des conformations du type enveloppe B dCformees tandis que le cycle du chClate dans le (tropolonato) diphenylbore est essentiellement plan. Les distances moyennes l3-0 et B-C (corrigkes pour la libration) sont
IntroductionExperimental AS part of a continuing study of the molecular The compounds were prepared by reacting (2-aminoethanostructures of organoboron compounds (1-1 1) we 1ato)diphenylboron with the appropriate chelating agent in now report the crystal and molecular structures of ethanollacetone (1:l). With the exception of the solvent used, the procedure is identical to that previously reported for both 1 the acet~lacetOne and trO~O1One esters d i~h e n~l -(12) and 2 (16). Two crystalline modifications of 1 were obtainborinic acid. Both (acety1acetonato)diphenyl-ed. Colorless crvstals of the triclinic form were isolated directly boron, 1, and (tropolonato)diphenylboron~ 2, are stabilized by both intramolecular 0 + B interactions and by electron delocalization in the chelate rings. The chemical and physical properties of these compounds are well documented (12-17 and references therein).'References 1-11 list previous papers in this series.I from the reaction mixture and recrystallization from acetonk afforded colorless crystals of the monoclinic form. High-quality pale yellow crystals of 2 were isolated di...