We performed multifrequency electron spin resonance (ESR) on the antiferromagnetic (TN = 160 K) and charge-ordered (Tco = 250 K) insulating manganite Nd 0 ,Ca05MnO3 . Temperature (4-300 K) and frequency (9.4-285 GHz) dependence of the linewidth, intensity and position of the ESR line were studied. In the paramagnetic state we observe a single Lorentzian absorption line. For a given frequency, the ESR line position is temperature independent (close to g = 1.99). A strong linewidth broadening is observed below Teo . This indicates that there is no magnetic order in the temperature range Tco > T> TN but strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations are present. Below TN , due to high-frequency and high-field ESR (up to 12 T) measurements, we were able to observe unexpected lines within the antiferromagnetic gap revealing the presence of a phase separation.