RV 6 Sn 6 (R=rare earth) compounds are appealing materials platforms for exploring the interplay between R-site magnetism and nontrivial band topology associated with the nonmagnetic vanadium-based kagome network. Here we present the synthesis and characterization of the kagome metal TbV 6 Sn 6 via single crystal x-ray diffraction, magnetization, transport, and heat capacity measurements. Magnetization measurements reveal strong, uniaxial magnetic anisotropy rooted in the alignment of Tb 3+ moments in the interplane direction below 4.3(2) K. TbV 6 Sn 6 exhibits multiband transport behavior with high mobilities of charge carriers, and our measurements suggest TbV 6 Sn 6 is a promising candidate for hosting Chern gaps driven via the interplay between Tb-site magnetic order and the band topology of the V-site kagome network.