Abstract. -The conduction-electron mass in the Kondo lattice system CeB6 is found to be strongly field dependent. CeB6is an ordered heavy moment electron system with a zero field electronic specific heat coefficient of about 250 mJ/mole K' . Using the de Haas-van Alphen effect at temperatures as low as 60 mK in steady magnetic fields as large as 22 T, we observe a cyclotron orbit of frequency 8 680 T for fields along the [loo] direction. The mass of this orbit was measured at eight fixed fields and found to decrease from 18 to 8 me as the field increases from 12 to 22 T. The field dependence of the cyclotron mass is consistent with recent specific heat results. The Fermi surface geometry is similar to that of LaB6, except that the extremal cross-sectional areas observed are 10 % larger than in LaB6. The f-electrons are therefore largely local rather than itinerant in CeB6, a picture confirmed by bandstructure calculations. The geometry of the Fermi surface does not depend on field. The observed field dependence of the cyclotron mass is consistent with the low energy scale of the system as measured, for example, by the Kondo temperature.Heavy-electron systems form at low temperatures a highly correlated electronic state which exhibits un- Here we discuss the results for the Kond~lattice compound CeBs and show that the mass of the conduction electrons in this metal is strongly reduced in high magnetic fields. CeB6 is one of the most typical dense Kondo lattices and many studies have been devoted to this system, see e.g. Kasuya et al. [5]. CeBe has a very low Kondo temperature, only 1-2 K 161 and orders magnetically at low temperatures. Even in the magnetically ordered phase the linear coefficient in the LTSH, y, is very large and strongly magnetic field dependent [7,8]. In zero field y is about 250 mJ/mole K', which is to be compared to y z! 2.6mJ/mole K' [9] for the reference compound LaB6, where the only difference is the absence of the f-electron. Two phase transitions are observed at TQ = 3.2 K and TN = 2.4 K.The transition temperatures are strongly affected by the application of an external magnetic field and the magnetic phase diagram has been studied by many groups, see e.g. Effantin et al. [lo]. Below TN a complex antiferromagnetic order sets in, which is destroyed by fields larger than 1 to 2 T depending on the field direction. The phase between TQ and TN shows antiferro-quadrupolar ordering: the quadrupolar moment on the Ce ions alternates from site to site in all three perpendicular directions. In addition to a large uniform magnetic moment, a staggered magnetic moment is induced by an external field due to the difference in suspectibility an the +Q and -Q sites [lo, 111. Crystal field levels have been extensively studied in CeB6, with recent measurements of Zirngiebl et al. [12] showing that the four fold degenerate level is the ground state and the r7 state is 545 K higher in energy.The dHvA effect is the oscillatory variation of the magnetization of a metal with the magnetic field H.The usual formal...