The intrinsic optical absorption spectrum of CrCl, has been investigated in the 0.6 t o 6 eV region at temperatures from 80 to 300 OK. A careful analysis of the crystal field bands in the 0.6 to 3 eV region has revealed some structures and details, such as an Urbach's rule edge, not previously reported. The optical anisotropy of CrC1, was also studied over the same spectral range. I n the region between 3 and 8 eV reflectivity spectra were also obtained. The refractive index of CrC1, has been determined on evaporated films from 1000 to 380 nm [n(500 nm) = 1.85 f 0.11. The spectral distribution of photocurrent at % 80 "K was measured and showed weak peaks associated with the main crystal field bands and a sharp increase at shorter wavelengths ; maximum photoconductivity yield was reached a t (3.2 0.2) eV. The data on the crystal field bands are discussed and some new structures are assigned to specific electronic transitions. Account is taken of the spin-orbit interaction among the various multiplets and the trigonal distortion of the octahedral symmetry of the Cr3+ environment. A discussion of the optical and photoconductivity data in the 3 to 8 eV region is given and alternative explanations of the absorption edge a t 3.2 eV are proposed. faibles maxima associi?s aux bandes principales de la rbgion visible du spectre e t une forte absorption aux plus courtes longueurs d'onde; le maximum de photocourant a Btb trouvb (3,2 f 0,2) eV. Les rbsultats obtenus dans la region spectrale 0,6 It 3 eV ont btk discutbs, considbrant aussi le couplage spin-orbite e t la distortion trigonale de l'entourage de l'ion Cr3+. Une discussion des donnhes optiques et photoblectriques entre 3 e t 8 eV a 6th faite rt des explications alternatives pour le bord d'absorption B 3,2 eV ont btt5 suggbrkes.