The electron paramagnetic resonance is used to measure the single-ion anisotropy of Gd 3+ ions in the pyrochlore structure of (Y1−xGdx)2Ti2O7 . A rather strong easy-plane type anisotropy is found. The anisotropy constant D is comparable to the exchange integral J in the prototype Gd2Ti2O7, D ≃ 0.75J, and exceeds the dipolar energy scale. Physical implications of an easy-plane anisotropy for a pyrochlore antiferromagnet are considered. We calculate the magnetization curves at T = 0 and discuss phase transitions in magnetic field.PACS numbers: 76.30. Kg, 75.50.Ee, 75.10.Hk Pyrochlore antiferromagnets have been actively studied in the past due to their unusual properties. 1 The magnetic ions in these compounds form a network of corner-sharing tetrahedra, which is prone to a high degree of geometric frustration. The ground state of a classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a pyrochlore lattice is macroscopically degenerate and remains disordered. 2 Since weaker residual interactions are always present in real magnetic materials, an important question is about a separation of energy scales. The corresponding knowledge helps to clarify how the macroscopic entropy freezes as T → 0 and what type of magnetically ordered, spinliquid, or glassy state is eventually stabilized.Gadolinium pyrochlores Gd 2 Ti 2 O 7 and Gd 2 Sn 2 O 7 are considered to be the best realizations of the Heisenberg model on a pyrochlore lattice, since Gd 3+ is, nominally, in a 8 S 7/2 state with completely frozen orbital degrees of freedom. Both compounds order at temperatures of about 1 K, 3,4,5 while Gd 2 Ti 2 O 7 exhibits also multiple phases in magnetic field. 4,6 This has been attributed to weaker dipolar interactions between the S = 7/2 gadolinium spins, 3,7,8 though no unambiguous explanation neither of the phase diagram of Gd 2 Ti 2 O 7 nor of the neutron-diffraction measurements 9 has been presented.Single-ion effects have so far been neglected for the two gadolinium pyrochlores. However, strong spin-orbit coupling of the 4f electrons breaks the LS-scheme of the energy levels of the Gd 3+ ion and mixes the 8 S 7/2 and 6 P 7/2 states. 10 Since the ground-state multiplet contains an admixture of the L = 0 states, it can be split by the crystal field. Crystal-field splitting of the order of 0.8 K was observed for Gd 3+ ions in yttrium-gallium garnet. 11 The amplitude of such a splitting is comparable to the exchange coupling and the dipolar energy in the prototype Gd 3 Ga 5 O 12 . Thus, an accurate study of the single-ion anisotropy in the Gd-based pyrochlores is necessary to understand the magnetic properties of these materials.To study properties of isolated Gd 3+ ions we have prepared single-crystals of non-magnetic Y 2 Ti 2 O 7 diluted with a small amount (nominally 0.5%) of Gd. The crystals were grown by traveling solvent floating zone technique. After growth the oriented single-crystals were annealed in an oxygen atmosphere. The absence of parasitic phases has been verified by powder X-ray diffraction. The magnetization of the referen...