The effect of the deuteration degree of a solution on that of crystallized potassium, rubidium, and cesium dihydrogen phosphates is studied. It is shown that the experimental results can be approxiaated by the equation: XJX, = F + (1 -F ) X,. The quantity "F" characterizes the variation from the equally-probable cam in the distribution of deuterium in a crystal between the groups of D,PO,, HDPO,, and &PO4. This difference decreases with the increase of the ion radius of the cation and the lowering of the solidphase symmetry. The distribution of deuterium in the solution is assumed to be close t o the equally probable one. The effect of crystallization conditions on the distribution coefficient is discussed. I Mayqe~o m m m e cTenem netkrepuposamm pacmopa Ha menem nethepH-POBiiHHH KpEICTaJInH3yIo~KXCR nKrEInpO@OC@lTOB HaJIAx, pY6HAHfl M Ue3Elfl. nOHa3aR0, 9 T O 3KCIIepHMe€iTaJIbHbIe AZWEbIe MOXLIO anp0KCEIMHpOBaTh BbIpaxiemebf X , ] X , = F + (1 -P) X,. BenHsaHa F x a p a~~e p m y e~ oTntIwe B pacnpeneneHuH nePTepm B KpHcTanne Meany rpynnaMa D,PO,, HDPO, EI GPO, KamoHa M nommeHmeM cmme-rpw TsepaoZt aa3b1. IIonaraeTcH, w o pacnpene-~C J I O B M~~ KptrmammaaUtrtI Ha K O~@ $ E I~M~H T pacnpeaenema. OT paB~OBepOHTHOr0. 3 T O OTJIH4He yMeRbIllaeTCH C POCTOM EIOLIHOFO PanHyCa JIeHkie neZbreptrJi B paCTBOpe ~J I H~I E O K paBHOBepORTEOMy. 06cy~cn;ae~cs BJIHH5ie