The reaction kinetics of metamorphic minerals can be subdivided into interface-and diffusion-controlled kinetics. The discrimination of reaction kinetics is crucial for estimating reaction rates. Here, we propose a new and simple method for discriminating reaction kinetics. This method requires measuring only the initial and final grain sizes during growth. The reaction kinetics is inferred from different plotted arrays of initial vs. final grain sizes after the mineral growth. Using metamorphic zircon, we take detrital core sizes as the initial sizes and post-metamorphic grain sizes as the final sizes. The application of the method to the subduction-related highpressure Nagasaki metamorphic complex in Japan shows that this metamorphic zircon grew under interface-controlled kinetics even at the relatively low temperature of 440°C. This method is potentially applicable to other minerals that have timemarkers, such as chemical zoning or internal structures that are captured at a given point in time during growth.
| INTRODUCTIONThe kinetics of metamorphic reactions are subdivided into two regimes: interface-and diffusion-controlled. Interface-controlled kinetics imply that the rates of reaction at a mineral interface determine the net reaction rate, whereas the diffusion-controlled kinetics imply that the diffusion rate of the slowest chemical component controls the net reaction rate. Most metamorphic reactions involve dehydration or hydration. Therefore, the metamorphic reaction rates constrain the fluid flux. In addition, the growth rate of metamorphic minerals from progressive metamorphic reactions governs metamorphic rock texture. (Miyazaki, 1991, Miyazaki, 1996, diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) (Miyazaki, 2001) and nucleation and growth (e.g. Carlson,