ABSTRACT. High charged swelling micas, with layer charge comprised between 2 and 4, has been found to readily swell with water and that complete cation exchange (CEC) can be achieved. Due to their high CEC, applications like radioactive cation fixation or removal of heavy metal cations from waste water were proposed. Their applicability can be controlled by the location of the interlayer cation in a confined space with a high electric field. In synthetic brittle micas, the interlayer cation has a low water coordination number; therefore their coordination sphere would be completed by the basal oxygen of the tetrahedral layer as innersphere complexes (ISC). However, no direct evidence of these complexes formation in brittle micas has been reported yet. In this contribution, we mainly focus on the understanding the mechanisms that provoke the formation of ISC in high charge swelling micas, Mica-n. A whole series of cations (X) were used to explore the influence of the charge and size of the interlayer cation. Three brittle swelling micas, Mica-n (n=4, 3 and 2), were selected in order to analyze the influence of the layer charge in the formation of ISC. The contribution of the ISC has been analyzed thorough the evolution of the 060 reflection and the changes in the short-range order of the tetrahedral cations will be followed 29 Si and 27 Al MAS-NMR. The results showed that ISC was favored in X-Mica-4 and that provoked a high distortion angle between the Si-Al tetrahedra. When the content of aluminum decreases, the electrostatic forces between the layers are relaxed, and the hydrated cations did not interact so strongly with the tetrahedral sheet, having the opportunity to complete their hydration sphere.