Several norbornane-2,3-diones show in their proton magnetic resonance spectra an unusual longrange spin-spin coupling, JJ,6, = 1.0-1.5 HZ. An X-ray structure analysis of 6-~trclo-bromo-1,5,5-trimethylnorbornane-2,3-dione shows that the norbornane framework deviates only slightly from mirror symmetry. This makes it unlikely that the ~~n u s u a l coupling in the norbornane-2,3-diones is due to distortion of the norbornane framework and lends credence to the view that it is due to substituent effects.Plusieurs norbornanedione-2.3 possedent dans leur spectre r.m.n. d u proton un couplage spin-spin A longue distance qui est ili~lsitc JJ+6, = 1.0-1.5 Hz. U n e analyse par rayons-)< de la structure de I'endobromo-6 trimcthyl-1,5,5 norbornanedione-2,3 niontre que le squelette d u norbornane devie tres peu de la synietrie par rapport a Lln niiroir. C e resultat implique qu'il est peu probable que lecouplage inusitisoit dil a i~n e distortion d u squelette ~L I norbornanc et amene a croire qu'il est dfi a des effets d e substituants.[Traduit p a r le journal]Can. J . Chern., 51,4076 (1973) Three types of long-range proton couplings (,J) have been generally recognized in the spectra of norbornane derivatives (I), ciz. J,, (1.0-1.6 Hz), J,,,, (1.0-1.8 Hz), and J, , , , (1.7-4 Hz) (I). Each of these is associated with an approximately planar W geometry of the two protons and a three carbon atom chain (2) (2). Theoretical arguments have been advanced to account for the occurrence of significant longrange proton coupling in systems with this geometry (1). Although long-range coupling has been observed in four-bond systems involving three sp3 carbon atoms with other geometries, the coupling constants are usually appreciably smaller (< 0.5 Hz) ( I , 3, 4). ' It is therefore of considerable interest that Gagnaire and Rassat and their co-workers (5, 6) have observed a fourth type of significant long- 'We follow Sternhell (4) in arbitrarily attaching significance to coupling constants > 1 Hz because of our prime concern with the application of spin-spin coupling to structural problems. range coupling (J,,,) in the case of the two norbornane-2,3-diones 3