The crystal structure of (±)‐7,8,13β,14α‐tetrahydro‐N7‐(13C)methylcorysaminium iodide (13C‐3a·I) was investigated by X‐ray analysis and thus the relative configuration (7S*,13S*,14S*) established (Fig. 1). The conformation of 3a was shown to have a cis‐junction of the B/C rings and the rings A and D in an antiperiplanar position relative to the C(13)C(14) bond (‘anti‐cis’), a twisted half‐chair for ring B, and a half‐chair for ring C (Figs. 2 and 3). Conformation analysis by 1H‐NMR data indicated that the crystal conformation of 3a is also the preferred one in MeOH solution.