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Technical Paper
Methyl Tin(IV) Derivatives of HOTeFj and HN(S02CF3)2: A Solution Multi-NMR Study and X-ray Crystal Structures of (CH3)2SnCI(OTeF5) and (CH3)3Sn(H20)2]N(SO2CF3)2]
AUTHOR(S)Ashwani Vij, William W. Wilson, Vandana Fook S. Tham Vij, Robert C. Corely'
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL/PRS 5 Pollux Drive Edwards AFB CA 93524-7048
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for public release; distribution unUmited.
AbstractThe new tin(IV) species, (CH3)2SnCl(OTeF5), was prepared via solvolysis of (CH3)3SnClin HOTeFs or from the reaction of (CH3)3SnCl with ClOTeFs and was characterized by NMR and vibrational spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and single crystal X-ray diffraction.(CH3)2SnCl(OTeF5) crystallizes in the monoclinic space group Pliln {a = 5.8204(8) A, b. NMR spectroscopy of (CH3)3SnX, prepared from excess Sn(CH3)4 and HX (X = OTeFs or N(S02CF3)2), revealed a tetracoordinate tin environment using (CH3)3SnX as a neat liquids or in CH2CI2 solutions. In acetone and CH3CN solution, the tin atom in (CH3)3SnOTeF5 was found to extend its coordination number to five by adding one solvent molecule. In the strong donor solvent, DMSO, the Sn-OTeFs bond is broken and the (CH3)3Sn(0=S(CH3)2)2'' cation and the OTeFs" are a convenient preparative route to the corresponding organotin(IV) derivatives. In these acidolysis reactions, Sn-Cl as well as Sn-C bond cleavage have been observed, with Sn-Cl bond cleavage being preferred. Alkyl tin(rV) derivatives of acids are commonly polymeric due to vacant coordination sites on tetracoordinate tin(IV). The bridging occurs through halogen atoms or the oxoacid ligands. In the solid state, the methyl tin halides, (CIl3)3SnF^'^ and (CH3)3SnCl^form extended halogen-bridged chains with pentacoordinate tin, while (CH3)2SnF2^ has a sheetlike polymeric structure with hexacoordinate tin. The crystal structures of (CH3)2Sn(S03F)2,^° (CH3)3SnOOCCF3," (C6Hi2)3SnOOCC3H7,'' and (CH3)2SnCl(OOCCH3)'...