Serpin superfamily proteins, most of which are serine protease inhibitors, share an unusual mechanism rooted in their conserved metastable tertiary structure. Although serpins have been identified in isolated members of archea, bacteria, and plants, a remarkable expansion is found in vertebrates. The chicken protein ovalbumin, a storage protein from egg white, lacking protease inhibitory activity, is an historical member of the superfamily and the founding member of the subgroup known as ov-serpins (ovalbuminrelated serpins) or clade B serpins. In the human, ov-serpins include 13 proteins involved in the regulation of inflammation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and embryogenesis. Here, a detailed analysis of the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome identified 10 clade B serpin genes that map to a single Ϸ150-kb locus and contain the signature protein sequence of serpins and the gene structure of ov-serpins, with either seven or eight exons. Orthologues of PAI-2 (SERPINB2), MNEI (SERPINB1), PI-6 (SERPINB6), and maspin (SERPINB5) are highly conserved. Comparison with human ov-serpins identified avian-specific and mammal-specific genes. Importantly, a unique model of mammalian ov-serpin evolution is revealed from the comparative analysis of the chicken and human loci. The presence of a subset of ov-serpin genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) gives insight into the ancestral locus. This comparative genomic study provides a valuable perspective on the evolutionary pathway for the clade B serpins, allowing the identification of genes with functions that may have been conserved since the origin of vertebrates. In addition, it suggests that ''newer'' serpins, such as ovalbumin, have contributed to vertebrate adaptation.ov-serpin ͉ multigene locus ͉ maspin ͉ MNEI ͉ zebrafish T his year marks the 25th anniversary of a landmark study by Lois Hunt and Margaret Dayhoff (1), identifying the surprising phylogenetic relationship between the genes for the chicken-egg storage protein ovalbumin and two human-plasma protease inhibitors ␣1-antitrypsin and antithrombin III. That discovery, among the first to use protein sequence alignment to identify gene families, helped launch the modern field of Bioinformatics and provided the cornerstone for the superfamily now known as serpins. Although a few serpins have evolved functions distinct from protease inhibition, such as storage (ovalbumin), blood pressure regulation (angiotensinogen), or molecular chaperoning (heat shock protein 47), most serpins are serine protease inhibitors. Indeed, serpins participate in the precise regulation of key proteolytic events and cascades indispensable to multicellular organisms (2).Serpin superfamily proteins share a tertiary structure, consisting of nine alpha helices and three beta sheets, with an exposed and mobile reactive center loop (RCL) that serves as bait for target proteases (3) (Fig. 1A). This highly ordered native structure is metastable (4), and it is the strain of this thermodynamically unstable structure that is the basis for the unique inhibitory mech...