The tick-borne flavivirus group contains at least five species that are pathogenic to humans, three of which induce encephalitis (tick-borne encephalitis virus, louping-ill virus, Powassan virus) and another two species induce hemorrhagic fever (Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus, Kyasanur Forest disease virus). To date, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these strikingly different clinical forms are not completely understood. Using a bioinformatic approach, we performed the analysis of each amino acid (aa) position in the alignment of 323 polyprotein sequences to calculate the fixation index (Fst) per site and find the regions (determinants) where sequences belonging to two designated groups were most different. Our algorithm revealed 36 potential determinants (Fst ranges from 0.91 to 1.0) located in all viral proteins except a capsid protein. In an envelope (E) protein, most of the determinants were located on the virion surface regions (domains II and III) and one (absolutely specific site 457) was located in the transmembrane region. Another 100% specific determinant site (E63D) with Fst = 1.0 was located in the central hydrophilic domain of the NS2b, which mediates NS3 protease activity. The NS5 protein contains the largest number of determinants (14) and two of them are absolutely specific (T226S, E290D) and are located near the RNA binding site 219 (methyltransferase domain) and the extension structure. We assume that even if not absolutely, highly specific sites, together with absolutely specific ones (Fst = 1.0) can play a supporting role in cell and tissue tropism determination.