(2013) 'Molecular assembly of the aerolysin pore reveals a swirling membrane-insertion mechanism.', Nature chemical biology., 9 (10). pp. 623-629. Further information on publisher's website:https://doi.org/10.1038/nchembio.1312Publisher's copyright statement:Additional information:
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AbstractAerolysin is the founding member of a super-family of ß-pore forming toxins for which the pore structure is unknown. We have combined X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy (EM), molecular dynamics and computational modeling to determine the structures of aerolysin mutants in their monomeric and heptameric forms, trapped at various stages of the pore formation process. A dynamic modeling approach based on swarm intelligence was applied whereby the intrinsic flexibility of aerolysin extracted from new X-ray structures was utilized to fully exploit the cryo-EM spatial restraints. Using this integrated strategy, we obtained a radically new arrangement of the prepore conformation and a near-atomistic structure of the aerolysin pore, which is fully consistent with all biochemical data available so far. Upon transition from the prepore to pore, the aerolysin heptamer shows a unique concerted swirling movement, accompanied by a vertical collapse of the complex, ultimately leading to the insertion of a transmembrane ß-barrel.3