Three novel unsymmetrically substituted DBTTF derivatives, (MeO)z (MDO) DBTTF, (EDO) (MDO) DBTTF, and (MeO)z (EDO) DBTTF, have been synthesized and their physicochemical properties are elucidated. Here, MeO, MDO, and E D 0 mean methoxy, methylenedioxy, and ethylenedioxy groups, respectively. Trimethylaluminum is found to be suitable for the syntheses of the above DBTTF derivatives using the non-coupling method. MDO is rather an effective substituent in reducing the difference between the first and the second redox potentials. The crystal structures of (MeO)z (MDO) D B m F and (Me0)2 (EDO) DBTTF were analyzed by an X-ray crystal structure analysis. In the crystal of (MeO)z (MDO) DBTTF, two molecules form a face-to-face pair, in which two molecules arrange so as to cancel their dipole moments to each other. The molecules of (Me0)z (EDO) DBTTF form a herringbone column structure in the crystal. Intermolecular short S . 4 atomic contacts are not found in the crystals of ( M e 0 )~ (MDO) DBTTF and (MeO)z ( E M ) DBTTF. However, intermolecular interactions through C-C and C -0 atomic contacts, and hydrogen bondings are recognized.