Weakly or "partially" bondedm oleculesa re an importantl ink between the chemical and van der Waals interactions. Molecular structures of sixn ew SbBr 3-Py complexes in the solid state have been determined by single-crystal Xray diffraction analysis. In all complexesa ll Sb atoms adopt a pseudo-octahedral coordinationg eometry whichi sc ompleted by additional Sb•••Brc ontacts shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii, with BrÀSb•••Br angles close to 1808.T o reveal the nature of Sb-Br and Sb-N interactions, the DFT calculations were performedf ollowed by the analysis of the electrostatic potentials, the orbital interactions and the topological analysis.B ased on Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) analysis, the Sb-Bri nteractionsr ange from the covalent bonds to the pnictogenb onds. As imple structural parameter, non-covalence criterion (NCC) is defined as ar atio of the atomatom distance to the linear combination of sums of covalent and van der Waals radii. NCC correlates with E(2) values for SbÀN, SbÀCl and SbÀBr bonds, and appearst ob eu seful criterion for ap reliminary evaluation of the bonding situation.