Photosystem II (PSII) is the photosynthetic enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of water and reduction of plastoquinone (Q). This reaction occurs at a catalytic site containing four manganese atoms and cycling among five oxidation states, the S n states, where n refers to the number of oxidizing equivalents stored. Biochemical and spectroscopic techniques have been used previously to conclude that aspartate 170 in the D1 subunit influences the structure and function of the PSII active site (Boerner, R. J., Nguyen, A. P., Barry, B. A., and Debus, R. J. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 6660 -6672). Substitution of glutamate for aspartate 170 resulted in an assembled manganese cluster, which was capable of enzymatic turnover, but at lower steady-state oxygen evolution rates. Here, we obtained the difference (lightminus-dark) Fourier transform IR spectrum associated with the S 2 Q ؊ -minus-S 1 Q transition by illumination of oxygen-evolving wild-type and DE170D1 PSII preparations at 200 K. These spectra are known to be dominated by contributions from carboxylic acid and carboxylate residues that are close to or ligating the manganese cluster. Substitution of glutamate for aspartate 170 results in alterations in the S 2 Q ؊ -minus-S 1 Q spectrum; the alterations are consistent with a change in carboxylate coordination to manganese or calcium. In particular, the spectra are consistent with a shift from bridging/ bidentate carboxylates in wild-type PSII to unidentate carboxylate ligation in DE170D1 PSII.Photosystem II (PSII) 1 is the photosynthetic reaction center that is responsible for the light-driven oxidation of water and the reduction of quinone in plants, green algae, and cyanobacteria. The catalytic site contains a tetranuclear manganese cluster, and the catalytic cycle of water oxidation has been proposed to consist of five oxidation states (S n ) called the JoliotKok S states. The subscript n refers to the number of oxidizing equivalents stored at the active site. Absorption of four photons and four corresponding charge separations are necessary to complete one catalytic cycle. Each cycle results in the oxidation of two water molecules to form one molecule of molecular oxygen and four protons. Calcium is required for oxygen evolution and may be bound in proximity to the manganese cluster (reviewed in Refs. 1 and 2).Many studies of PSII have focused on the S 2 state (for review, see Ref. 3). Dark adaptation at room temperature sets the catalytic center to the S 1 state because S 0 converts to S 1 by reduction of tyrosine radical, D ⅐ (4, 5). Two different EPR signals, a g ϭ 2 multiline signal (6) and a g ϭ 4.1 signal (7), are observed from the S 2 state. Illumination of plant or cyanobacterial PSII at 200 K results in the formation of the g ϭ 2 multiline EPR signal (for examples, see Refs. 6 and 8) and an EPR signal from Fe 2ϩ Q A Ϫ (9). The S 1 -to-S 2 transition is associated with oxidation of manganese, probably from Mn 3ϩ to Mn 4ϩ (reviewed in Ref. 10). Recently, we have obtained the difference FT-IR spectrum associate...