Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) belong to a superfamily of oligomeric proteins that transduce electric signals across the cell membrane on binding of neurotransmitters. These receptors harbor a large extracellular ligand-binding domain directly linked to an ion-conducting channel-forming domain that spans the cell membrane 20 times and considerably extends into the cytoplasm. Thus far, none of these receptor channels has been crystallized in three dimensions. The crystallization of the AChR from Torpedo marmorata electric organs is challenged here in lipidic؊detergent matrices. Detergent-soluble AChR complexed with ␣-bungarotoxin (␣BTx), a polypeptidic competitive antagonist, was purified. The AChR-␣BTx complex was reconstituted in a lipidic matrix composed of monoolein bilayers that are structured in three dimensions. The ␣BTx was conjugated to a photo-stable fluorophore, enabling us to monitor the physical behavior of the receptor-toxin complex in the lipidic matrix under light stereomicroscope, and to freeze fracture regions containing the receptor-toxin complex for visualization under a transmission electron microscope. Conditions were established for forming 2D receptor-toxin lattices that are stacked in the third dimension. 3D AChR nanocrystals were thereby grown inside the highly viscous lipidic 3D matrix. Slow emulsification of the lipidic matrix converted these nanocrystals into 3D elongated thin crystal plates of micrometer size. The latter are stable in detergent-containing aqueous solutions and can currently be used for seeding and epitaxial growth, en route to crystals of appropriate dimensions for x-ray diffraction studies.nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ͉ crystallization ͉ structure T o date, the crystal structures of Ϸ50 integral membrane proteins have been determined at atomic resolution. This result is in stark contrast to their abundance, as they comprise one-third of all gene products. Inherent difficulties with highlevel expression, purification, and, particularly, crystallization of integral membrane proteins account for this situation (1). Receptor channels that selectively regulate transport of ions across the cell membrane are large membrane-spanning oligomers. Among them are the pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (also termed the Cys-loop receptors), which mediate and modulate fast cell-cell communication throughout the nervous system.The first and most extensively studied pentameric ligand-gated ion channel is the acetylcholine receptor (AChR; reviewed in refs. 2-4). The AChR isolated from the electric organs of Torpedo ray is available in milligram amounts suitable for crystallization experiments. It is a pseudosymmetrical glycoprotein of Ϸ290 kDa comprised of five subunits (2␣␥␦) and carries two ACh-binding sites at the ␣Ϫ␥ and ␣Ϫ␦ boundaries (2, 3). So far, it was possible to organize this oligomeric protein only in tubular 2D crystals within receptor-rich membrane fragments (5, 6). These crystals enabled the collection of electron diffraction data at 9-Å down to 4-Å r...